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Our Logo


RECMOV is basically a short form of the phrase "Recommended Movie" but we only take the first 3 alphabets of each word and combine them together to create our company name. RECMOV is easy to pronounce and it indicates our main idea which is to recommend or suggest the best collection of movies for everyone. Regarding our logo, we try our best to create a logo that is simple yet contains wonderful meanings that need to be interpreted wisely. For example, in our logo, we include 3 elements which are a film camera, a cloud, and stars. We include a film camera icon in the logo to indicate that our services and contents are closely related to the film or movie. A cloud and three stars represent the dreamy concept that we focused on especially in designing our official website. Three stars are also can be referred to as the "best", meaning that we only provide the best services and content for all clients throughout the time. In addition, we also maximize the use of purple color in both our logo and website as the color itself associates with wisdom and creativity, the aspects that we hold on to in producing the best results at the end of the process.

Our Mission

Our Vision


Our Motto

"Providing the best option for everyone."


Our Team

Rifqi Photo

Name: Che Wan Muhammad Arif Rifqi bin Che Wan Jaafar

Phone Number: +60 14 805 4370

Email Address: 2021839794@student.uitm.edu.my

Adibah Photo

Name: Adibah Maisarah binti Sezali

Phone Number: +60 11 5870 2365

Email Address: 2021858734@student.uitm.edu.my

Alia Photo

Name: Siti Nor Alia binti Mohd Lokman

Phone Number: +60 11 1299 9592

Email Address: 2021653004@student.uitm.edu.my

Syakira Photo

Name: Siti Nursyakira binti Nor Azmi

Phone Number: +60 17 727 3121

Email Address: 2021886174@student.uitm.edu.my


Phone Number: +60 11 5870 2365 @ Email Address: recmov100@gmail.com


Thank you for visiting this website. This page was last updated on 18 July, 2022.